Monday 17 August 2015

Crafts Vs. Open Studio

For the past few years, the Art area in my Kindergarten classroom has been designed with the students in the classroom. There are some basic materials out in the first few weeks, but then I choose to ask the students what materials they need. This honours what they are interested in. It gives them ownership over the materials and the space. It takes away the "pain" of having to clean up the area at the end of each day because every student knows where each material goes.

I make sure to spend time talking about the tools and the materials at the Art Studio. We do have times where I have a lesson to explain an Art technique or an important new tool. Once explained, the students are free to access them independently. For example, paint is always available (I prefer to to use puck paint water colours). The students know how to use the brushes, how to get the water/change water, and how to clean up when finished.

Here are some photographs of the children exploring with paint independently in September. I plan to take some photographs of how I have the Art area set up for each week in September, to see the transition and how it will change based on what students I have in my classroom.

I am okay with a little chaos in their creation!


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